Sunday, November 27, 2011

week 2 web conference

I wasn't able to attend a web conference, but I read the chat logs and recordings for each that was posted. I think the benefit of the conference is to build community and camaraderie with classmates that is often missing in this program. Unfortunately there have been so many issues with the connectivity that it just makes this method of communication seem more difficult than it really is. Also there are so many people saying so many things, it doesn't seem like much is actually accomplished. I don't really find the web conferences in this program useful to me, other than as a way to connect with others.

Review of Video Editing Software

I have used many video editing tools in the past. My favorite for students is Movie Maker; my favorite for myself is Adobe Premiere Elements. If I was a serious video editor, I would use Adobe Premiere. We actually have Adobe Premiere on the computers in the lab where I teach many of my classes. Unfortunately this is not the easiest software for a novice video editor.

For this assignment, I searched for a video editing tool that I could use in one of my classes without having to teach much about the software at all. I chose VideoSpin by Pinnacle. My current district would not have a need for this software since we can use Movie Maker or Premiere, but I think other schools may find it a useful tool.

The download process seemed slow, but it followed the typical installation procedures with no issues. The main drawbacks to the software are simplisitc features and limited video formats. Additional formats and features can be purchased to add on to the free program.

The main feature I like about this program is its simplicity. It offers an embedded tutorial to get you started. I really like this because I can have my students watch the tutorial and then only have to help the ones who need further assistance rather than having to instruct the whole class on how to use the software. It has the main features you would expect: a timeline, a place to add video clips, and a place to add transitions, titles or credits, and background music. For a simple import, edit, and produce tool this does just the trick. I still think Movie Maker is the way to go, but if you are needing an alternative, this could get the job done.