Any good teacher knows assessments are powerful tools. To get where you are going, you have to know where you are and where you are headed. Assessments can and should be given to measure progress and identify areas of weakness. I think assessments given to assess teachers' technology knowledge and skills are necessary to ensure proper resources are devoted to meeting the goals of the technology plan. As an educator in Texas, I identify areas of weakness in my students as we prepare to take the TAKS test so that I can focus in on these areas and help all of my students be successful in demonstrating that they can meet the state standards. In the same way,using the results of technology assessments would be helpful to schools who are striving to meet the state mandated technology standards because it would allow them to focus their efforts on high-need areas.
Assessments to measure student technology skills and needs are also extremely important. How can you justify spending substantial amounts of money on teacher training and technology equipment, unless you are able to prove that it is enabling you to move towards achieving your goal? Student skills assessments prove (or disprove) that teachers are able to use the knowledge and equipment they have to assist students in meeting state technology standards.
Unfortunately, although potentially extremely helpful, assessments have weaknesses as well. Many assessments do not take progress into account, taking on a pass or fail mentality. Schools that have showed tremendous improvement but still do not reach the standard should be focused on since they have shown the potential and drive to accomplish the goal. Schools that have substantial financial resources may have been meeting the standards for years but have shown little effort to exceed the standard – remaining stagnant rather than innovating. Additionally, assessments are often subjective and the people taking the survey may not know the answer or they may give an answer that they think they should give rather than what is actually true. Because of these and other weaknesses, assessment results should be used with caution.
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